Acute Care AAC - Free Boards!
Today I worked in acute care and I came across a patient with a degenerative disease and in need of some form of AAC. Prior to seeing the patient the patient's RN told me that the patient was trying to communicate but could only get out moans.

Sadly we don't have a great AAC communication board in our hospital (one of my many projects) so I went to the web! I was so so so very excited to find Amy Speech and Language Therapy, Inc. This Speech-Language Pathologist has made a few communication boards curtailed to the adult population.

I was able to print off some of these boards and take them right into my patient today. Now I went in for a dysphagia evaluation (and the patient was very lethargic) so we didn't have the time to try these boards out but the family very much appreciated the gesture. 

I only wish that I would have scrolled down a bit farther while I was at the hospital today! I just saw that there are some great boards lower that would have been appropriate for my patient even though they were in the "child section." 

Do you work in a hospital with great AAC options? Personally I am a huge fan of AAC in acute care - though I do not have much opportunity to implement mostly due to education and funding. Below are some amazing presentations on use of AAC in acute care - check them out!!


  1. Very informative article. Looking forward to more posts in near future. I have also found some interesting info on
    delayed speech in kolkata


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