Arf Arf Attributes is Completed!!
This evening I had the chance to finish my Arf Arf Attributes series!!!
I hope that they are beneficial to many!
If you are unfamiliar with the game below is a description of each level with a link to my teachers pay teachers store.
Arf Arf Attributes is a receptive language focus game inspired by my patients with difficulty processing the identification of objects with various attributes included. I believe that if a patient is lacking this foundation then they will later have difficulty following multistep directions or complex 1-step directions due to not listening for/identifying those fine details/attributes.
to Level 1 of Arf Arf Attributes! Level one teaches concepts involving basic animal
knowledge, basic color knowledge, prepositions/stance/position, and
quantitative concepts. Each concept is introduced with a flash card and some
interactive questions, a structured receptive language task of identification
of named concept from a field of four and the game of BINGO complete with 5
BINGO cards per concept.
Welcome to Level 2 –
of one attribute of Arf Arf Attributes! Level 2 includes three sets of 5 bingo
cars (that is 15 BINGO cards targeting receptive language skills)! The first
set focuses on identification of animal + color or design. The second set
focuses on animal + position/preposition/location/stance. The third set focuses
on animal + quantitative concepts.
Welcome to Level 3 –
of two attributes of Arf Arf Attributes! Level 3 includes two sets of 5 bingo
cars (that is 10 BINGO cards targeting receptive language skills)! The first
set focuses on identification of animal + color or design + position. The
second set focuses on animal + color or design + quantity.
Welcome to Level 4 –
of three attributes of Arf Arf Attributes! Level 4 includes one set of 5 bingo
cards targeting receptive language skills! This set focuses on identification
of animal + color + position + quantity.
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