
Showing posts from March, 2013

Arf Arf Attributes is Completed!!

This evening I had the chance to finish my Arf Arf Attributes series!!! I hope that they are beneficial to many! If you are unfamiliar with the game below is a description of each level with a link to my teachers pay teachers store. Arf Arf Attributes is a receptive language focus game inspired by my patients with difficulty processing the identification of objects with various attributes included. I believe that if a patient is lacking this foundation then they will later have difficulty following multistep directions or complex 1-step directions due to not listening for/identifying those fine details/attributes. Welcome to Level 1 of Arf Arf Attributes! Level one teaches concepts involving basic animal knowledge, basic color knowledge, prepositions/stance/position, and quantitative concepts. Each concept is introduced with a flash card and some interactive questions, a structured receptive language task...

Motivating with AAC

When it comes to the world of AAC I feel that there is nothing more beneficial then being able to actually see various AAC forms in action! Now I have several patients that I work with and use different forms of AAC with but this post is about a particular patient that is pretty involved. We have tried several different forms of AAC with this patient but just could not seem to make a break through to show the importance of use of AAC to communicate. Recently, I feel that we have started to make some headway! I adapted this idea from one of the Talk Tools educational videos. As you can see from the pictures below my set up is a table with the AAC (though the one we use was not available for the picture), a mat as a divider and a chair on the other side. The AAC that I am using with this patient I believe is the mini-com (two of them to be specific) from Enabling Devices. It looks very similar to the AAC on the table below except it is just one yellow switch that allows for recording...

Arf Arf Attributes Level 2!

I am so happy to announce that Level 2 of Arf Arf Attributes is ready! Below you will find a description and a link to my teachers pay teachers store! Arf Arf Attributes: A Receptive Language Series Level 2 – Identification of one attribute! Arf Arf Attributes is a receptive language focus game inspired by my patients with difficulty processing the identification of objects with various attributes included. I believe that if a patient is lacking this foundation then they will later have difficulty following multistep directions or complex 1-step directions due to not listening for/identifying those fine details/attributes. Welcome to Level 2 – Identification of one attribute of Arf Arf Attributes! Level 2 includes three sets of 5 bingo cars (that is 15 BINGO cards targeting receptive language skills)! The first set focuses on identification of animal + color or design. The second set focuses on animal + position/preposition/location/stance. The third set fo...