
Showing posts from April, 2019

Sharing Research: A Behind the Scenes Look

This past year has been such an exciting adventure in professional growth and development. When 2019 was nearing, I took the time to reflect on my professional aspirations. One of my goals was to start sharing my research findings from my dissertation. My dissertation chair encouraged me to submit my research to the Dysphagia Research Society (DRS) for their 2019 conference. That was goal #1. Goal #2 was submitting for an oral presentation at my annual state organization conference. I completed both applications and I was thrilled when my presentations were accepted at both conferences! My goal for this blog post is to talk about my personal experience in preparing and presenting research. The process of sharing your research can be intensive but it is truly an invaluable experience. There are two main types of presentations out there. An oral presentation which can last for a variety of times, 30 minutes, 1 hr, 2 hrs, 3 hrs, or full day institutes. Then there is a poster pr...