
Showing posts from September, 2017

Fisher-Price Bright Pods Review

          This past May my husband and I welcomed our first born, Benjamin, into our family. We absolutely love this happy boy! During my maternity leave I learned so much about his personality, likes, and dislikes. Unfortunately, one of his dislikes happened to be tummy time! We struggled most days to get our 30 minutes in but we were able to do it through a lot of creativity.             As many of you early intervention speech-language pathologists know, tummy time is critical for infants to develop head control/strength, form proper head shape, and reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Since Benjamin was not a fan of tummy time, naturally as a new mom, I was terrified that his head wouldn’t form correctly, that he wouldn’t crawl, and of course of SIDS. So we pushed through some tearful events of tummy time. Eventually, we were able to find our own groove with tummy time. We used so ...