
Showing posts from January, 2015

Shaving Cream Fun!

This Week in Speech ~ Shaving Cream Fun! This week in speech we decided to get a little messy! With shaving cream, a lunchroom tray, lots of towels, and various treatment plans we were able to have a lot of fun!   My department orders these tiny shaving cream canisters. Simply spray onto a surface that can be wiped off and you are set for fun!   There are so many options that you can use this in therapy! Here are just a few ideas! Articulation – you or your student draw out target words to practice Reading sight words Spelling Visual memory – write it down, draw it out, and then wipe it off – recall later Story telling Receptive language – identifying drawings Vocabulary – Learning about the vocabulary terms of “soft” “messy” “fluffy” and “white.” Drawing/writing synonyms and antonyms. Expanding vocabulary knowledge by letting the child draw or try to explain the feature that you drew. Receptive language – following directions through d...

My Dissertation Adventure!

Dissertation Blog Post 1 This week’s blog post is a little different from my traditional posts. As some of you may know, this past fall, I started my journey to earn a professional doctorate at Nova Southeastern University! This semester we have two classes Methods of Inquiry and Business Management and Leadership. Within our Methods of Inquiry class we have the opportunity to start our research! One of our first assignments consisted of creating a dissertation blog, a place where we can share our thoughts/outlines of our dissertation. My professor gave me permission to include this within this current blog! So without further adieu I present to you my problem statement and a peak into the research to support it! ~~~ Working in an outpatient rehabilitation facility has given me the opportunity to see patients referred for modified barium swallow studies from various skilled nursing facilities and rarely home health care. These swallow studies can at times be diffic...

Free Vocabulary CEU!

This afternoon I completed a free on-line CEU from Super Duper Publications. The course was titled “Apps for Vocabulary Assessment and Intervention” presented by Beth Holland M.A. CCC-SLP. This free course is only available until January 21 st 2015! You can find the link below. This course focused on the assessment and intervention for expressive and receptive vocabulary. Since the course was through Super Duper Publications and presented by an employee of Super Duper Publications the material/tools that were introduced in the course were primarily created by Super Duper Publications. However, Beth Holland recommended some other fantastic resources such as “Creating Robust Vocabulary” by Dr. Beck. Within the course the lecturer does a fantastic job of providing evidence that speaks to the importance of vocabulary development (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). After the evidence for continued vocabulary de...

Happy New Year! Word Search App Review

Wishing all of you a very Happy New Year! I am so excited for this year of blogging. I have a lot of exciting things planned for the website! Be sure to explore the newly working tabs above for previous blog posts.  App Review Word Search Word Searches are a great way to target visual attention, sustained attention, and focused attention. It can also be a fun way to reinforce recently taught vocabulary. WordSearch by VirtueSoft offers a free and easy to use app on the iPad. The free version includes 10 word lists: English, Food & Drink, Fruit & Vegetables, Family, Boy Names, Girl Names, Colors, Body Parts, Clothes, and World Countries. There are twelve words included for each word search. The user has an option of using uppercase or lower case letters. A nice feature is the “hint” option where if the user is completely stuck and cannot find the word then the hint button will highlight the word briefly. Another fun feature includes the abil...