The Power of WAIT!
This past summer I had the opportunity to go to the Level 1 PECS course. PECS stands for Picture Exchange Communication System. It is an augmentative and alternative mode of communication for a wide variety of patients. One topic that was briefly covered was “wait time.” I am so thankful that I was able to begin implementing this into my practice. I can’t tell you how many children I have on my caseload that will grab toys without permission (which I typically like to turn into a language opportunity). Out of these children that want things immediately there are several that will begin to have a behavioral breakdown due to not receiving their desired item/object/attention immediately. How often have you seen this scenario occur? Child: (Going to the slide unsupervised while mom and therapist talks). Mom: “No no you need to wait until we are done talking” Child: (Continues to go to slide). Mom: “No no you need to wait.” (Mom begins to approach c...