
Showing posts from October, 2013

Getting into the Halloween Spirit!!!

I don't know about all of you but I have been having so much using Halloween materials in treatment this month! I thought tonight I would write out some of the items that I have been using. First we have Spooky Speech by Sublime Speech - This download is free and is full of various articulation targets. If you are working in groups there is a great opportunity to turn the articulation targets into language centered goals. Some language activities may include picking out  1-4 words and having your patient create a sentence, turning the words into an auditory memory task, having your patient draw a story from the words, giving definitions, etc., I also find the vocabulary in this appropriate for my adult population especially with word finding difficulty. Another fun activity is Ms. Lane's Happy Halloween following directions download. I am having trouble fi...

Proud to be a MSU Alumni!

Earlier in the year I was contacted by the alumni association at Missouri State University. They told me that I was nominated by someone at the MSU to have a small piece done about my endeavors since graduation. I have no idea who nominated me but I am so flattered. So if that person is reading this I would like to say thank you. I hope that the work I am doing know is making Missouri State University proud! If you would like to check out the article visit go bears!

The Entire World of Articulation Flipbooks - App Review

Wow it has been just way too long since I have posted on my blog, my apologies! I plan to be more consistent in review of different app's, journal reviews and treatment techniques that I have found successful. Tonight I wanted to write about an app that honestly I didn't pay a lot of attention to until recently. This app is The Entire World of Articulation Flipbooks. Before I review this app I wanted to say that I have no affiliation to the creator of the app and I am not being reimbursed for this app review. The reason why I didn't pay a lot of attention to it was because when you open it (picture below) it looks likes the focus in on the varied forms of /r/. I didn't realize that it covers the following: AR, AIR, EAR, ER, OR, R blends, Recurrent R's & IRE, RL, Prevocalic R, /k/, /g/, /s/, /z/, "sh," "ch," "th," /f/, /v/, /p/, /b/, /m/, /n/, /t/, /d/, S-R-L blends, and /w/ and /l/. Holy smokes that is a lot of phonemes! If...