
Showing posts from June, 2013

Unforgettable Orientation

This past Monday and Tuesday I went to orientation at a Long Term Acute Care Hospital (LTACH) for a PRN position I recently accepted. Orientation was pretty typical, they did a wonderful job introducing the various team members in the hospital and really emphasized the importance of our team work for the success of our patients. But then they did something that I never experienced before! We talked about hand washing! Yes I know that doesn't sound too exciting does it? Add GLO GERM and trust me it is! We were asked to apply the GLP GERM to our hands and to rub it in like lotion. Then we were instructed to wash our hands just like we would after we saw a patient. After we dried our hands then things got interesting. We placed our hands under a black light. One of my new co-workers was so kind to allow for me to take the below pictures of his hands. So I know the picture isn't the greatest but can you see all of that white stuff? Obviously that is the GLO GERM but think a...

Minimal Pairs App. Review!

My plan for this post was to have some freebie's that I created up and ready to go for everyone but they are just not ready yet! So excited to share them when they are! So I decided to give you all a review of an application I have on my iPad! Now my iPad is fairly new to me, my wonderful wonderful boyfriend gave it to me for our five year anniversary last September! I have to say that the iPad has really changed the way I do therapy in many positive ways. First and foremost I have more quality time with my patients! In my outpatient setting I see 1 patient at a time for 30 minutes to an hour. My patients are scheduled back to back so there just isn't the time to prepare materials before each session like I would like. With my iPad I can easily bring it out and be good to go! No shuffling cards, no trying to put them back in order, I just pull up the application I need and I'm pretty much ready to go! Many of my kids are also very excited to use the iPad in therapy as wel...


This past week started like any other week, until Tuesday evening... I started to get that oh so common feeling of a cold coming on. I tried to fight it with lots of orange juice and my vitamins but the common cold won. By my last day of work on Friday I had a pretty severe case of Laryngitis. I explained to most of my pediatric patients that I had a "frog in my throat." While I was working with one little girl she was very clever and asked "how did you get that frog in your throat?" Of course I made a silly face and shrugged "I don't know!" Soon enough a picture card with the target word "Kiss" came up displayed with a picture of a princess kissing a frog... My patient then was very excited and said "Ms. Ma llory! Did you kiss that frog? Is that how it got in your throat?" My answer? "Yes, that must have been it, never kiss frogs! ...Ribbit! "