Review of Normal Oral Motor & Swallowing Development by Imaginart
An area in our Speech-Language Pathology field that I am just chomping at the bit to learn more about is pediatric feeding and swallowing. So when we were cleaning out our "speech closet" the other day and I found the VHS...yes a VHS :-) "Normal Oral Motor & Swallowing Development - Birth to 36 Months" by Imaginart I was so excited! BASIC ANATOMY First, why start at normal? A very wise professor of mine once said "if you don't understand normal then you will never know what to do with abnormal." So so true! Second, I am very comfortable with adult anatomy but the anatomy is so different with the pediatric population! For lack of a better term everything is so neighboring! As you can see major anatomical differences include: The oral cavity is smaller than in the adult The tongue fills the mouth and rests more anteriorly (at the front of the mouth) The soft palate, tongue and epiglottis approximate (touch) The lower jaw ...