
Showing posts from December, 2012

TalkingTiles by Mozzaz Corporation

I am very excited to share this great FREE application! TalkingTiles is an Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) application that can be used on the iPad, a desktop, android, etc... I think I am a bit biased because the set up of this application reminds me a lot of a SpringBoard Lite, (one of the first AAC devices that I programmed). Logistics and Pro's The basic function of this AAC device is that it allows for the patient to touch a tile, a voice over of that tile occurs and the picture also occurs in a running sentence strip at the top allowing for communication. This device allows for multiple pages (24) to be created. Now on each page you have 24 tiles where you can create a message or even a link to a website. So for example your home page tiles could consist for major topics such as: - About Me - How I Feel - Food/Drinks/Snacks - Activities - School Once you press a tile it can then link to a new page for further expansion such as after you touch Abou...

"Maisy's Show" by Lucy Cousins

So I have to make a small apology prior to posting. My computer just died this weekend so I am writing this blog post from my iPad. So I apologize if the pictures do not turn out in the right order or for any other technical glitch that may occur! I couldn't wait to post about this book! Again I found this book at a great price, just $4.99! Maisy's Show is a fun and interactive book that is chalk full of therapy ideas! Some therapy ideas I found include but are not limited to: 1. Predicting - what kind of show will be happening? 2. Reasoning - I see brown boots what kind of costume do you think that will be? 3. WH questions galore - who is wearing the pirate costume? What costume would you like to wear? Where are they performing? Etc.. 4. Verb forms - what is he doing? (Dancing - present progressive), the alligator is flipping over, what did he just do? (Flipped over - past tense forms) 5. Language expansion - tell me about that elephant... It's big? Yes you'...

"In the Town" by Priddy Books

Today I took a trip to Gordmans for some Christmas shopping! Little did I know that I would find an amazing book for therapy! I found "In the Town" by Priddy Books for only $2.99!!!! This book is a nice interactive book targeting early "WH" questions, for example "what can you see in the park?" Then there is at least a field of 3 choices provided where the child can flip up the page to find the answer. What I like so far about this book is that you can bring the level down to early childhood and have it as a basic expressive language or receptive language task. For example you could just have the child name the pictures to build vocabulary or turn it into an identifying task and have the child find the item. You can have them find the actual named item or just give them attributes or the function of the item. This book includes basic concepts as well (added bonus). This book is also a great early reasoning book for some of our kindergarten or e...